InstantZen Review – Fast Solution to Being More Zen

So you wanna be Zen, huh? You've read some blogs, you've watched some movies and listened to some relaxing music on YouTube and you think you are ready? Well, not so fast buddy! There is a little bit more about finding that deep peaceful state inside your mind that "Zen masters" are constantly referring to...

Should I share this amazing secret with you?

Ok, let's do it, but first, let me warn you that InstantZen is not for everybody. If you don't have a clue what Zen is all about, don't purchase this "sonic brainwave vitamin" because you are going to experience a lot of frustration on your way to achieving enlightenment ;-).... just kidding... you'll be fine!!!

The whole idea with Sonic Vitamins and InstantZen in the first place is to let the world know that there actually exists a faster way to clear your head and center your thoughts without spending several years in a secret Zen monastery hidden somewhere in the mountains of Asia ;-)

I suppose you are pretty lucky for stumbling upon this blog, cause I don't do any promotion by the way, so it's for my friends and some people who accidentally get here via Facebook or Twitter or whatever. Remember, you are damn lucky for getting here in time, before someone else suggests you to purchase some worthless book on how to become more Zen from Amazon or some other big online stores...

My friend, everything that you need to fill your inner self with peace and to lead a more humble and minimalistic life while enjoying it to the fullest is already there. You don't need more knowledge and theories, you don't need all that crap - you just have to locate that state of mind that everyone is talking about, and believe it or not, but it's pretty achievable with InstantZen. All Sonic Vitamins are awesome by the way, so I highly recommend you check them all, especially in case you are into this kind of stuff... you know... brainwave entertainment and mind enhancement through the science of sounds ;-)...

InstantZen Review

This InstantZen review has one main purpose: to describe the mp3 file that you can either download or order on CD and to let you know that making special changes in life doesn't have to be time consuming or extremely expensive. Be smart and take the correct decisions when such opportunities appear! So, before we proceed to actually learn more about what folks behind Sonic Vitamins can actually offer their customers via InstantZen, let me tell you ladies and gentlemen that I have myself purchased this and I have to say it's not bad... not bad at all... So, if you are having trouble with getting in touch with the real you, with discovering yourself via certain meditation techniques described somewhere else and if you find all this stuff pretty daunting, all you have to do is listen to this cool 30 minutes brainwave entertainment recording that will literally transform your personality into a new Zen breathing creature that is easily able to build his or her own Zen reality just by contemplating... sounds cool right ;-)? Well... it really is!

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW... writing such a detailed review and explaining some of the fundamentals of Zen ;-) is not too easy, but I really don't mind if you skip reading and go to the official InstantZen page in order to get this amazing mp3 ;-)

Technical Specifications

Without bragging too much about things that you might already know or heard of somewhere else, let us pass directly to the stuff itself that you are going to get immediately after downloading the InstantZen mp3 package.

- 30 minutes of pure Zen brainwave entertainment sound therapy that is going to help you totally wash away all the possible worries and stress that is currently being accumulated by millions of people via tons of negative stuff that we see, experience and have access to on a daily basis.

- Full usage guide is also included for free when getting this cool mp3 that is going to help you become a Zen monk in less than 30 minutes (just kidding ;-)). By the way, you can actually get the usage guide for free without being necessary to purchase a.k.a pay money for the product first so click here if you are interested to learn more about InstantZen and how to use it to achieve that long-awaited and pleasant feeling of total calmness and serenity (yep, it's possible with this simple mp3 file!!) - You won't become a monk that fast though ;-)

- Another pretty interesting aspect about InstantZen is that it should not be looped. We talked about looping in my previous blog post here on Sonic Vitamins Review, entitled MindEnhance Review and you probably remember that back then I mentioned that looping is fine. Well, not with this one my friend. InstantZen was created to be listened only once. By "once" I mean you shouldn't abuse it, because this is not going to add points to your Zenness ;-) Just don't loop it - that's all! Listen once and enjoy it if you would like to increase your feeling of certainty and calmness inside of your mind or just change your mood.

- Next, do not worry (I've mentioned this before) in case you don't have the latest super expensive DJ style headphones from Sony because listening to this Zen mp3 brainwave entertainment file with headphones is optional. You simply don't have to pay attention to this aspect. If you have them, great, if you don't, still awesome, just hit play and make that first step towards changing your life to a more Zennish future ;-).

- While some of the mp3s from the whole (which is quite big) Sonic Vitamins product can be listened with eyes opened, this one, known as InstantZen, should be played with eyes closed. Don't worry, no one is going to rob you ;-), just keep your eyes closed and concentrate on your breathing, just like in usual meditation. I'm positively sure you will experience that "change" that everyone is talking about pretty soon and it will be faster than you ever expected! Just don't get attached to the idea of becoming a Zen master all of sudden ;-)! All you want from this mp3 file is to clear your mind and help you feel better while relieving your inner status from all that negative mindset that is making the whole process of thoughts control a total war with no end!

So these are basically some of the technical aspects that you should be aware of before buying or downloading the InstantZen mp3 file. Click here to learn more about this product.

WARNING: this is not for those who expect magic to happen. With just $14.95 you can't expect to transform into a Zen monk ;-), but you will definitely be able to view life and the whole reality that is taking place around you from a totally different perspective.

I personally know a lot of people who are basically not really interested in Zen, but would pay some monies to have their inner problems solved fast! And this is what InstantZen is all about – offering a fast alternative stress-relieving and mind calming solution to every person that doesn't have plenty of time to invest into reading books, watching hours of movies and spending years meditating in order to get what it is like to have a "Zen mind".

InstantZen Works!

InstantZen is a sonic brainwave entertainment pill (and yes it's legal, cause it's audio, not actually a pill that you swallow ;-)) and it does what the authors of the product promise it will. There are many ways to get at the "top of the mountain" (a.k.a enjoy life and live it to the fullest while having that awesome incomparable feeling of total accomplishment) plus achieve a certain state of mind that you have always dreamed of, and even if InstantZen is not magic or a drug, it will definitely build a solid mental awareness base of understanding and being able to feel the correct direction that you should move forward when it comes to feeling in control of your thoughts once again.

And if all this above mentioned stuff sounds too harsh and complicated for you, listen to InstantZen and simply relax, while it will do its work without any involvement from your part. It will definitely help you find that space inside your mind and fill it with the feeling of being at peace with yourself - this is what it was created for!!! ;-)

Take advantage of their 100% Money Back Guarantee and download InstantZen right now! You won't be sorry my friend, especially if you have been ready to make that change in your life for some time now. It's time to act. Start living the moment and stop living with the past regrets or thinking too much about the future. You are the only one responsible for the things that occur around each and every moment. You have the chance to make them appear as you want. It's not magic, it's not Voodoo, it's not drugs... it's the way the Universe works. It's life. It's Zen. It's InstantZen ;-)

Something more...

You are responsible for your fate, for what happens to you. Find out how to maintain that mental awareness with InstantZen, discover how to control your thoughts and you'll soon realize that influencing the reality around you is not that complicated after all.

Click here to download
the InstantZen mp3!

Good luck!


MindEnhance Review - Optimize Your Mind and Stamina

Ladies and gentlemen, this blog, Sonic Vitamins Review, is a website dedicated to a very good (barely legal ;-)) product that I recently stumbled upon and purchased called "Sonic Vitamins"

[click here to learn more about it or go to the official MindEnhance page]

It is basically a brainwave entertainment program that offers fast and reliable solutions for all your needs.

What kind of "needs"?  


  • Having an emotional problem?
  • Not being able to relax?
  • Confused about something?
  • Can't optimize your brain to enhance your productivity at work?

Believe it or not, but Sonic Vitamins has the cure. It really does! And I suppose you are looking for solutions and not just some time wasting theory garbage written in expensive eBooks that no one is interested in, right? Well, if you agree, read further! The solution for your brain/mind/mental problem is here.

What is MindEnhance all about?

In this particular short review I'm going to analyze MindEnhance, a 30 minutes mp3 that needs to be listened with eyes opened. Wondering why? It's very simple guys – sounds/music created based on brainwave science. Now, this MindEnhance recording was composed with one single main purpose – to optimize your mind, increase your stamina and make you be ready for anything! Doesn't this sound cool ;-)? Well, you don't have the chance to know how it sounds until you actually try it, right?

Folks, this is the solution for brain optimization that you have been looking for (if you have of course). I can't believe some people have never heard about this amazing possibility of enhancing your mind potential through simple relaxation and via listening to special recordings like this. If you feel like the world is going down and you can't keep the tempo with everyone and everything, I highly recommend you to download the MindEnhance audio and chance the way your brain reacts to things, almost instantly.

Sure thing, you can easily order the whole Sonic Vitamins program in order to take advantage of a huge discount. They call it Mega Saver, because for $149,95 USD you get three (3) CDs with 14 awesome recordings of approximately half an hour each, including the MindEnhance one as well ;-)

Now, let's get back to our MindEnhance Review...

So this recording is 30 minutes long and can be looped. Those people who have been playing with brainwave entertainment music know what I'm talking about here. For a more profound effect I highly recommend looping the track, especially if you have the time to concentrate on it for a longer period and get into that state of optimizing your brain and improving your stamina. In this case, more is better ;-) ... I personally recommend like 40-50 minutes, up to one hour of listening to this.

Another thing that you need to pay attention to is the fact that for this particular recording headphones are optional. So don't panic if you haven't yet purchased some really cool headphones, you'll manage to enjoy MindEnhance without them ;-). Now, if you have at least some experience with Sonic Vitamins or any other brainwave recordings of this type you probably know that most of the experts recommend headphones for a better effect. However, in this case, all you need is to hit play, lie down on your couch and enjoy the change that happens very fast (at least this is what I've experienced), in like several minutes or so... (But don't get tricked by the fast effect and listen to the whole audio recording for 30 minutes at least!)

HINT: The key with brainwave entertainment recordings is not to try and actually pretend to feel "something". All you need to do is just breathe deeply several times and enjoy your half of an hour of plain simple sound meditation. It will produce that change that you are looking for – you bet it will!

The second interesting aspect about MindEnhance is that it can be played with eyes opened. While the traditional meditation requires you to close your eyes and concentrate on your breath and do a bunch of things that are pretty hard to control especially if you are a beginner, when enjoying this type of brainwave entertainment you don't have to worry about this. It's not dreaming with your eyes opened either ;-), but you'll understand what it is like when you actually listen to that particular recording. It's like jumping to another level and staying there for good, each time you listen to the track! How cool is that, huh?

I spent 5 hours flat writing this review, but I don't mind if you skip reading ;-) and go directly to the Sonic Vitamins website to buy the MindEnhance mp3 recording... I'm humble you know... ;-)

By acquiring and listening to this MindEnhance mp3 you have the unique chance to perform at your peak by maintaining your energy levels really high. It is indeed an extremely powerful brain performance-boosting session. It's like a sonic pill for your mind, and I would like to say that the authors of this product did a great job by finding this awesome product name – Sonic Vitamins. These are indeed brainwave vitamins on steroids. I sometimes think that this should be illegal because too many people will starting feeling really great and having amazing success in everything they do (not that I'm greedy or something, just saying ;-))...

Anyways, by listening to MindEnhance you have the chance to use just a small portion of these Sonic Vitamins to immediately change your mood to the better by staying ahead of the pack, ahead of the whole game (not matter if you want to just improve your productivity at work or come up with several amazing ideas in the business that you are running, or just impress the person you love... anything is possible here and it all depends on the initial goals that you set) and of course staying ON TARGET.

Folks, being productive is what makes the difference between successful people and those who are always whining and complaining that they can't manage to achieve what they plan to. What group do you belong to? MindEnhance can make a big impact in your current mood and of course take your brain performance abilities to a whole different level that you never even though existed!

Those people who are looking for simple and fast ways to maintain energy levels and stay focused on something particular while not experiencing any daunting fatigue should check out this amazing sonic vitamin called MindEnhance. It alternates between 12Hz and 15Hz (but who needs to know all this science stuff when the simple fact that it works is amazing, right ;-)... just kidding, people are interested in detailed review of such products ;-)).. and does a great job when it comes to improving your concentration, comprehension and retention.

So let's recap...

MindEnhance is 30 minutes Sonic (mp3) brainwave entertainment recording that will help you optimize your mind, boost and keep your performance levels very high (working like a drug basically, but it's all just sound, science ;-) cool eh?)

The headphones are optional when listening to it and you can do it with your eyes opened. It can be looped and includes a full usage guide of course.

The cost?

Pff... pennies for such an amazing product... only $14.95 USD when downloading it. Or... you can purchase the CD version for $24.95 USD if you prefer holding this product in your hand ;-), it's up to you...

Worries? What If it doesn't work?!

Well, I have to say that I'm the type of person who is always quite skeptical about all these kinds of products, but MindEnhance and the whole package of recordings which come with Sonic Vitamins (I bought all of them) really impressed me. So forget about it, IT WORKS!!!

On the other hand, if you think that it doesn't provide the expected results, than get your money back [100% Money Back Guarantee] and pretend that you never heard about Sonic Vitamins...

Click here to download
the MindEnhance mp3!


The CD version has free shipping btw ;-)

Use Sonic Vitamins to Change Your Mood

Everything that you achieve in this life depends on your inner attitude. Most people fail in getting what they want because they don't know how to control things around them. Those who practice most of the techniques that I'm going to talk about on this blog are actually very successful, healthy and happy. I'm not talking about magic. I'm talking about the power of auto-suggestion via sound.

Hype? NO.

Now, there are thousands of different way to make yourself or someone else believe in something. However, my goal here with this 1st post on this blog is to let you guys know that what we hear plays an enormous role in achieving a certain mood/state of mind/attitude.

Yep! What we H.E.A.R.

  • Not feeling motivated enough to get that job done?
  • Not relaxed enough to be able to sleep?
  • Lacking the necessary confidence to approach a person?
  • Having that weakness inside that doesn't let you live your life at full speed?

Well, let me tell you there is a solution for all this.

It's called brainwave entertainment and it's not magic; it is actually science. These mp3's can help you change your mood really fast and literally become another person.

For those of you who would like to change something RIGHT NOW, feel free to check this amazing product called 

This website is a review platform of this amazing product that I have recently purchased. If you want to learn more about it make sure you subscribe to my blog.
